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Text View



After switching to the text view, the mail merge fields are automatically detected, and presented in the Fields list (1) on the left hand.

You can position the fields on the document, with Drag'n Drop or by clicking the button Insert Field, above the field list.

You can insert fields of type text, image or barcode (QR code).

Each field can be a link, and each one can be placed multiple times on the document.

Text View


After clicking the button Print Preview, on the ribbon page Mail Merge, all mail merge documents are presented in a single preview listing, one after another.

Mail merge print preview

Clicking the button Singe File generates the content of the print preview into a single file.

After clicking the button Multiple Files an additional dialog will be shown.
There you can defined the destination location and file format for your serial letter.

For unique and personalized names of the generated documents, you can use the mail merge fields as variables.

Mail merge into multiple files and name each file individually

After clicking the button Emails, the email wizard will be shown.

Field Properties

Fields can be altered, changing their properties in the Field Properties panel (4).

Each field can be set as a hyperlink, by selecting it, and activating the checkbox Is link.

Field type

Master is the default field type.

A field of the type Master has the same value through the whole, single document.
An example of a Master field could be customer address, or an invoice number.

A Master field is represented by a single row, or a first row in the master-detail group, in the Data View.

A field of type Detail is used in master-detail reports.
Their values are grouped by the Master-Detail key. Then all member of a group are printed as separated table rows, or as list items in a document.

A Detail field represents e.g. a single invoice position, or a single order item (price, amount, VAT).

After grouping the rows in a master-detail report, the first row is the Master and simpultanous the first Detail.
Other member rows of a group are only Detail.

Sum, Count, Min and Max are aggregated fields. Their value is computed, after grouping.